Plan Your Commute For A Smooth Back To School Year

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Plan Your Commute For a Smooth Back to School Year

Head back to school without the hassles.

Use these tips to avoid traffic and parking headaches.

As families across the country gear up for the new back-to-school season, the issue of parking and getting kids to school safely is top of mind. For parents, getting kids to and from school can be one of the most stressful parts of the day.

With a little planning, parents and kids can take steps to ensure that getting to school is a safe and easy process.

Here are some tips to help you plan your commute for a smooth back-to-school year.

1. Plan Your Route in Advance.

Before the first day of school, take some time to map out your route to school. If possible, try to avoid routes that are heavily congested during peak commuting hours.

Consider using a traffic app to help you find the best route and avoid delays.

2. Leave Early.

One of the best ways to avoid traffic and parking headaches is to leave early. Give yourself plenty of time to get to school, even if you think you know the route well.

This will help you avoid feeling rushed and stressed, and it will also give you some time to adjust if there are any unexpected delays.

3. Consider Carpooling or Taking Public Transportation.

If you live near other families with school-aged children, consider carpooling to school. This can help you save time and money, and it can also be a great way to get to know other parents in your community.

If carpooling isn't an option, consider taking public transportation to school. This can be a great way to avoid traffic and parking hassles, and it can also be a good way for kids to learn how to use public transportation.

4. Park Safely and Legally.

If you're driving to school, be sure to park safely and legally. Always follow the posted parking signs and avoid parking in areas where you could be ticketed or towed.

If you're not sure where to park, ask a school administrator or security guard for advice.

5. Be Patient and Courteous.

The first few weeks of school are always a bit chaotic. Be patient and courteous with other drivers and pedestrians, and be prepared for some delays.

Remember, everyone is just trying to get to school safely and on time.

6. Practice Your Commute.

In the days leading up to the first day of school, practice your commute with your child. This will help you both become familiar with the route and avoid any potential problems.

Make sure your child knows the route to school, and remind them to be aware of their surroundings and to always stay safe.