Beaverton Oregon Weather Radar And Storm Preparedness

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Beaverton, Oregon: Weather Radar and Storm Preparedness

Stay Informed with Real-Time Weather Updates

Stay ahead of the storm with Beaverton, Oregon's comprehensive weather radar system. Our interactive radar map provides real-time updates on precipitation, storm tracks, and severe weather alerts. Whether you're planning outdoor activities or just want to be prepared, our weather radar is an invaluable tool for making informed decisions.

Understanding Weather Radar

How It Works

Weather radar emits electromagnetic pulses that bounce off precipitation particles in the atmosphere. By analyzing the reflected signals, meteorologists can determine the type, intensity, and movement of storms. Radar data is displayed on maps, providing a visual representation of weather patterns.

Interpreting Radar Images

Different colors on radar images represent varying levels of precipitation intensity. Green and yellow indicate light rain or snow, while red and purple indicate heavy precipitation or thunderstorms. Animated radar loops show the movement and development of storms, helping you track their progress and stay out of harm's way.

Storm Preparedness in Beaverton

Stay Informed

Monitor weather forecasts and radar updates regularly. Sign up for weather alerts from local news stations or the National Weather Service to receive timely notifications about severe weather.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Have an emergency kit ready with essential supplies such as food, water, first-aid supplies, and a battery-powered radio. Keep it easily accessible in case of a power outage or evacuation.

Secure Your Home

Trim trees near your home to prevent damage from falling branches. Reinforce windows and doors with storm shutters or plywood. Clear gutters and downspouts to prevent flooding.

Additional Resources

Stay Safe and Prepared

With Beaverton's weather radar and storm preparedness resources, you can stay informed and protected during severe weather events. Remember to monitor forecasts, prepare an emergency kit, and secure your home to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones.